Broken Screen

fix-repair broken phone-tablet screen We regret to inform you that we do not offer repair services for phone or tablet screens that have been damaged.

Unfortunately, replacing laptop screens is often more costly than purchasing a new laptop altogether.


Techville .CA

Call for Appointment:

(613) 276-9066

Since 1997

95 Thistledown Ct, Nepean, ON K2J 1J5

Ottawa, Canada Est.1997

My advice would be to carefully consider who does the repairs on your phone, laptop-pc or tablet.

Here are a few interesting videos on YouTube to watch.

Knowledge is power.

Watch “Is your tech repair shop spying on you? (Marketplace)” on YouTube

Watch “I Got Scammed #Shorts” on YouTube (Ottawa guy buys used “parts” iphone.

Watch “Its all a Scam! – Before Replacing Your Phone Battery Watch This – Scams Explained” on YouTube